AFM Tip(s):
Shape | Tip Height | Tip Radius |
Standard | 10 - 15 µm* | < 7 nm(< 10 nm guaranteed) |
AFM Cantilever(s):
Shape | Length | Width | Thickness | Force Const. | Res. Freq. |
Beam | 450 µm(440 - 460 µm)* | 50 µm(42.5 - 57.5 µm)* | 2 µm(1 - 3 µm)* | 0.2 N/m(0.02 - 0.77 N/m)* | 13 kHz(6 - 21 kHz)* |
* Guaranteed range
The reflex coating is an approximately 30 nm thick aluminum coating on the detector side of the cantilever which enhances the reflectivity of the laser beam by a factor of about 2.5. Furthermore it prevents light from interfering within the cantilever. The virtually stress-free coating is bending the cantilever less than 2% of the cantilever length.
北京安立通科技有限公司位于北京海淀区,是一家集销售、服务,研发于一体的原子力显微镜多系统耦合解决方案及相关AFM探针耗材高科技公司。公司作为Nanosensors,Nanoworld,MikroMasch,Budgetsensors,Nanotools,SmartTip,sQube,OPUS,Rocky Mountain Nanotechnology, LLC ,Adama等国外探针品牌的国内一级代理。
Adama Innovations 美国 Rocky Mountain N 瑞士 NanoSensors 公司 瑞士 NanoWorld 公司 德国 nanotools 公司 BudgetSensors 公司 MIKROMASCH 公司
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